Advanced Dotnet Course

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Core Java Syllabus (Total Duration-35hrs)

Module 1:

Introduction (Duration-0.5hr) Java Why? What? How? When? Where? Different Java Versions. How Java is different from other Technologies

Module 2:

Introduction To Java Programming Environment (Duration-1hr) How to Install & set Path. A Simple Java Program Compiling & executing Java Program Phases of Java Program Analysis of a Java Program Understanding Syntax and Semantic Error, Runtime Exception Name of a Java Source File Platform Independency Java Technology (JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT) Features of Java Text Editors Consoles

Module 3:

Fundamentals of Java Programming (Duration-1hr) Naming convention of Java language Comments Statements Blocks (Static, Non-static/instance) Identifiers Keywords Literals Primitive Data Types, Range Reference (User defined) Data type Variables (Primitive, Reference) Type Casting, Default Value Operators Program/Interview questions

Module 4:

Control Structures (Duration-1hr) Working with Control Structures Types of Control Structures Decision Control Structure (if, if-else, if else if, switch –case) Repetition Control Structure (do –while,while, for) Program/Interview questions

Module 5:

Input Fundamentals And Datatypes In Java (Duration-2hrs) Java program inputs from Keyboard Methods of Keyboard inputs Scanner, Buffered Reader Problem Solving Java Array What is Array Array Declaration in java vs C and C++. Instantiation of an Array String vs character array.Accessing Array Elements, Default Value, for-each loop, varargs Length of an Array (What is –Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception) Increasing, Decreasing the Size and Copy of an Array Multi-Dimensional Arrays Program/Interview questions Program/Interview questions Difference between C and C++ with Java Application Compilation and Run Interview related Question and Answer

Module 6:

Object Oriented Programming (Oops Concepts In Deep) (Duration-4hrs) Procedural Vs Object Oriented Program Different type of Program Procedural Vs Object Oriented. Top Down Vs Bottom Up Approach Introduction to Object Oriented Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism. Introduction to Classes and Objects Custom Class Definition Instance and Static Variables Different ways to create Object Instance Instance Variable and it’s role in a Class Constructors, types of Constructor, Constructor Rule, Constructor Overloading Static Variable and it’s use. Methods and their behavior. Constructor vs Methods Constructors “this” Keyword Java Access Modifiers (and Specifiers) Programming Interview related Question and Answer Call by value, Call by reference

Module 7:

Command-Line Arguments (Duration-1hr) What is a Command-Line Argument? Java Application with Command-Line Arguments Conversion of Command-Line Arguments Passing Command-Line Arguments Using methods (Static , Non Static)

Module 8:

Integrated Development Environment (Duration-0.5hr) Using various Editors Program Compilation, Execution in Editor Using Eclipse IDE Project Set Up Source File Generation Application Compilation and Run

Module 9:

Inner Class (Duration-1hr) First View of Inner Class Outer Class Access Types of Inner Class

Module 10:

Inheritance (Duration-2hrs) Complete concepts of Inheritance Sub-Classes Object Classes Constructor Calling Chain The use of “super” Keyword The use of “private” keyword inheritance.  Reference Casting

Module 11:

Abstract Classes and Inheritance (Duration-2hrs) Introduction to Abstract Methods Abstract Classes and Interface Interface as a Type Interface v/s Abstract Class Interface Definition Interface Implementation Multiple Interfaces’ Implementation Interfaces’ Inheritance How to create object of Interface

Module 12:

Polymorphism (Duration-1hr) Introduction to Polymorphism Types of Polymorphism Overloading Methods Overriding Methods Hiding Methods Final Class and Method Polymorphic Behavior in Java Benefits of Polymorphism “Is-A” vs “Has-A” Association Vs Aggregation Interview related Question and Answer.

Module 13:

Package (Duration-2hrs) Package and Class path and its use First look into Packages Benefits of Packages Package Creation and Use First look into Class path Class path Setting Class Import Package Import Role of public, protected, default and private w.r.t package Namespace Management Package vs. Header File Creating and Using the Sub Package Sources and Class Files Management

Module 14:

Using Predefined Package & Other Classes (Duration-2hrs) Java.lang Hierarchy Object class and using toString(), equals(),hashCode(), clone(), finalize() etc Using Runtime Class, Process Class to play music, video from Java Program Primitives and Wrapper Class Math Class String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder Class String Constant Pool Various usage and methods of String,StringBuffer, StringBuilder Wrapper Classes System Class using gc(), exit(), etc.

Module 15:

New Concepts In Package (Duration-1hr) Auto boxing and Auto unboxing Static import. Instance of operator. Enum and its use in Java Working with jar

Module 16:

Garbage Collection (Duration-0.5hr) Garbage Collection Introduction Advantages of Garbage Collection Garbage Collection Procedure Java API Interview related Question and Answer

Module 17:

Exception Handling (Duration-2hrs) Introduction to Exceptions  Effects of Exceptions Exception Handling Mechanism Try, catch, finally blocks Rules of Exception Handling Exception class Hierarchy, Checked & Unchecked Exception Throw & throws keyword Custom Exception Class Chained Exception. Resource handling & multiple exception class Interview related Question and Answer.

Module 18:

Multithreading (Duration-3hrs) Introduction Advantages Creating a Thread by inheriting from Thread class Run() and start() method. Constructor of Thread Class Various Method of Thread Class Runnable Interface Implementation Thread Group Thread States and Priorities Synchronization method, block Class & Object Level Lock Deadlock & its Prevention Inter thread Synchronization Life Cycle of Thread Deprecated methods : stop(), suspend(),resume(), etc Interview related Question and Answer

Module 19:

Input and Output Streams  (Duration-3hrs) Java I/O Stream I/O Stream – Introduction Types of Streams Stream Class Hierarchy Using File Class Copy and Paste the content of a file Byte Streams vs Character Streams Text File vs Binary File Character Reading from Keyboard by Input Stream Reader Reading a Line/String from Keyboard by Buffered Reader Standard I/O Streams Using Data Streams to read/write primitive data PrintStream vs PrintWriter Using StreamTokenizer and RandomAccessFile Interview related Question and Answer

Module 20:

Serialization (Duration-0.5hr) Introduction to Serialization Using Object Streams to read/write object Transient Keyword Serialization Process Deserialization Process Interview related Question and Answer

Module 21:

Collection Framework (Duration-3hrs) Generics(Templates) What is generic Creating User defined Generic classes The java.util package Collection What is Collection Framework List, Set & Map interfaces Using Vector, Array List, Stack, Linked List, etc. Using Collections class for sorting Using Hashtable, Hash Map, Tree Map, SortedMap, LinkedHashMap etc. Iterator, Enumerator. Using Queue, Deque, SortedQue, etc. Using HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet etc Using Random class Using Properties in a Java Program Using user defined class for DataStructure Using Date and Formatting Date class. Interview related Question and Answer

Module 22:

Java 8/9/10 Features (Duration-1hr) has Online Training

Online Dotnet Training

C#.NET(Topics & Contents)-30 Hrs

DotNet Introduction(1 Hrs)
- DotNet vs Java vs Php
- Types of Languages
- Types of Applications
- DotNet Introduction
- DotNet Applications
- DotNet Features
- DotNet Architecture
- DotNet Executions
- DotNet Components
- Sample programs in console application

C# Introduction(2 Hrs)

- C# Introduction
- C# Datatypes (Value types, Reference types)
- C# Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise, Assignment, Misc)
- C# Statements - Decision Making Statements - simple if - if else - else if - nested if - switch
- Looping Statements - for - while - do while - foreach
- Uncondition Statements - break - continue - goto
- C#.NET Controls - Button - TextBox - Label - RadioButton - CheckBox - ListBox - ComboBox - RichTextBox - MaskedTexBox - DateTimePicker - GroupBox - Panel - Timer - ProgressBar - etc.,

Array and Types(1 Hrs)
- Array - Array Introduction
- Array Category - Rectangler Array - Jagged Array
- Array Types - One Dimensional Array - Two Dimensional Array - Multi Dimensional Array
- Structure - advantages - (ex) - disadvantages
- Enum - advantages - (ex)

Logical Programs (3 Hrs)
- Number Programs(5Programs)
- Array Programs(5 Programs)
- String Programs
- Pattern Programs

Funcion & Types(2 Hrs)
- Function Introduction
- 4 types - W/o Arguments w/o ReturnType - W Arguments w/o ReturnType - W/o Arguments w ReturnType - W Arguments w ReturnType
- Nested calling function
- Recursive function
- Function Passing Parameter - Option Parameter or Default Parameter - Named Parameter - Call By Value - Call By Reference (ref keyword) - Returning more tn one value (out keyword) - Passing array values (params keyword)
- Array Inbuilt functions
- String Inbuilt functions
OOPS Concepts(6 Hrs) - OOPS - OOPS Introduction
- Advantages
- Features - Class - Object - Abstraction - Encapsulation - Inheritance - Polymorphism
- Sample Project using OOPS (class, object)
- Accessing Private members outside from the class - Property (4 types) - Methods - Constructor
- Constructor - Default Constructor - Parametrized Constructor - Copy Constructor - Static Constructor - Private Constructor
- Destructor
- Keywords - static - const - readonly - is - as - base - this - dynamic - var
- Inheritance and Abstraction - Single Inheritance - Multilevel Inheritance - Multiple Inheritance - Hierarchical Inheritance - Hybrid Inheritance - Why C# does not support Multiple Inheritance (collision problem) (ex) - How to achieve Multiple Inheritance (Interface) (ex) - Class vs Interface - Interface sample program (ex) - Achieving Multiple Inheritance using Interface (ex) - Avoid collision problem using interface (ex) - Abstract class sample program (ex) - purpose of Interface - purpose of Abstract class - Interface vs Abstract class - Diamond problem (ex)
- Polymorphism - Method hiding (shadowing)
- Static Polymorphism - program with single class - program with two classes
- Dynamic Polymorphism - program with virtual keyword - program with abstract keyword
- Encapsulation - Properties (Auto Impemented Property) - Access Specifiers - Private - Protected - Internal - Internal Protected - Public
- Types of classes - Abstract class - Nested class - Partial class - Sealed class - Static class

SQL Server Introduction (3 Hrs)
- Database Introduction
- Sql Queries
- DDL (Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, Rename)
- DML (Insert, Delete, Update)
- DQL (Select, Merge)
- DCL (Grant, Revoke)
- TCL (Commit, Rollback, SavePoint)
- SELECT - Comparision operator(<,>,<=,>=,<>,!=) - AND, OR, NOT, IN, BETWEEN, LIKE, TOP, DISTINCT - Aggregate functions(COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX) - Clauses (Order By, Group By, Having) - Sub Queries (ANY, ALL) - Set Operators (UNION , UNION ALL)
- DateTime Inbuilt functions
- String Inbuilt functions
- Ranking Functions

Constraints & Joins
- Constraints - Primary Key - Unique Key - Not Null - Check - Default - Foreign Key - Composite Key
- Setting constraints when creating tables
- Setting constraints after creating tables
- Joins - Inner Join - Left Join - Right Join - Full Join - Cross Join - Self Join

Advanced SQL( 3 Hrs)
- Functions - Scalar Function - Inline Table Valued Funtion
- Stored Procedure - Without Parameter Without ReturnType - With Parameter Without ReturnType - Without Parameter With ReturnType - With Parameter With ReturnType - Writing multiple queries in a single Stored Procedure
- Triggers - After Triggers (Insert, Delete, Update) - Instead of Triggers (Insert, Delete, Update) - Magic Tables
- Index - Clustered Index - Non Clustered Index
- View - ex - advantages

ADO.Net Introduction(3 Hrs)
- ADO.NET - ADO.NET Introduction
- ADO.NET Architecture
- ADO.NET Object - Connection Object - Command Object - DataReader Object - DataSet Object - DataAdapter Object - DataTable Object
- ADO.NET Connectivity - com.ExecuteNonQuery() - com.ExecuteReader() - com.ExecuteScalar() - DataReader example - DataAdapter example - INSERT, DELETE, LOAD, UPDATE, VIEW - ComboBox data filling - GridView data filling

Class Library, File Handling, Exception Handling,Multi Threading(3 Hrs)
- Class Library - create assembly file (.dll) (ex) - using assembly file in another project - .dll vs .exe
- Exception Handling - Types of error - keywords - try - catch - throw - finally - user defined exceptions (ex)
- MultiThreading - Threading - Thread states - Thread priorities - example program
- File Handling - Files and streams - File modes - File Access - Code of Create, Write, Read, Delete, Open
Delegates,Collections,Generics(2 Hrs)
- Delegates - Simple Delegate program - Multicast Delegate program
- Events - Event sample program - Delegate with event program
- Collections - Disadvantages of Array
- Advantages of collections
- Collection classes - ArrayList - HashTable - SortedList - Stack - Queue - BitArray
- Disadvantages
- Generics - Advantages
- Generic classes - List - HashSet - SortedSet - SortedList - SortedDictionary - Dictionary - LinkedList - LinkedListNode - Stack - Queue

Crystal Report(1 Hr)
- Real Time Windows Project Explanation
- Crystal Report
- Example of Csrystal Report

Introduction To Python

Installation and Working with Python Understanding Python variables Python basic Operators Understanding python blocks

Python Data Types

Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float, complex Using string data type and string operations Defining list and list slicing Use of Tuple data type

Python Program Flow Control

Conditional blocks using if, else and elif Simple for loops in python For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries Use of while loops in python Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else Programming using Python conditional and loops block

Python Functions, Modules And Packages

Organizing python codes using functions Organizing python projects into modules Importing own module as well as external modules Understanding Packages Powerful Lamda function in python Programming using functions, modules and external packages

Python String, List And Dictionary Manipulations

Building blocks of python programs Understanding string in build methods List manipulation using in build methods Dictionary manipulation Programming using string, list and dictionary in build functions

Python File Operation

Reading config files in python Writing log files in python Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines() Understanding write functions, write() and writelines() Manipulating file pointer using seek Programming using file operations

Python Object Oriented Programming – Oops

Concept of class, object and instances Constructor, class attributes and destructors Real time use of class in live projects Inheritance , overlapping and overloading operators Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes Programming using Oops support

Python Regular Expression

Powerful pattern matching and searching Power of pattern searching using regex in python Real time parsing of networking or system data using regex Password, email, url validation using regular expression Pattern finding programs using regular expression

Python Exception Handling

Avoiding code break using exception handling Safe guarding file operation using exception handling Handling and helping developer with error code Programming using Exception handling

Python Database Interaction

SQL Database connection using python Creating and searching tables Reading and storing config information on database Programming using database connections

Python Multithreading

Understanding threads Forking threads Synchronizing the threads Programming using multithreading

Sample Project